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Theme:  Kingdom of Heaven

A narrator leads us through this re-telling of scripture from Matthew, while all the physical action of this scene takes place in silent mime - with broad gestures and emphasized facial expressions.  A fun and lively way to re-visit this pair of stories about setting aside worldly possessions and finding heaven.

Cast:  4 actors, 3 of them performing in mime

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Wisdom Skits are available as digital downloads. The cost is up to you.Thank you for using the "Send Payment" button on the home page of this website, or @Cheryl-Fare on Venmo to send a love offering at a comfortable level for you. Once you complete your purchase, the confirmation page will include a link to download your script(s), and you will receive an email confirmation including links.


Matthew 13

  • This script is an original copyrighted work.  If you download this script and send a love offering, you may use it as many times as you wish in live performance. Please inquire about other use permissions.  The purchased right to use this script is not transferable, so you will be asked not provide physical or digital copies to others.  Thank you for considering this heart-based licensing agreement.

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